What Is SEO? (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It's a bad name for it, but it basically means the art of getting your website ranked higher in the search engines, with the overall goal of getting more traffic to your site. SEO is a collection of things that can be done....

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Some SEO Keyword Research Brainstorm Ideas

Keyword research is a crucial component of doing SEO work. You've got to narrow down and find the best keyword phrases to target before you really dig in to doing any other SEO work. SEOMoz's Keyword Difficulty tool is great for determining the difficulty of ranking...

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About Webcore

Webcore is a web development and marketing company based in Wapakoneta, Ohio. Founded by John Monahan in 2013, Webcore has provided custom solutions for businesses across Ohio.

Webcore makes cool sites using mainly WordPress and WooCommerce as well as some custom "roll your own" PHP applications. If you want to build something fun and awesome together, let's talk!