The Three Main Ingredients To Successful SEO

Ahh, Search Engine Optimization. Everyone wants their company to be at the top of the search results for their industry. But just how do the SEOs do it? What’s in the secret sauce? And can I do it myself? The answer to this last question is yes, you can do it...

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Black Hat Versus White Hat SEO

Cue the music from a spaghetti western ... it's the black hats versus the white hats. Basically you have the good guys versus the bad guys. The white hats play by the rules and don't do anything considered "evil". Although...

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What Is SEO In A Nutshell

SEO. Or rather S.E.O. - this is how it should be written, because it is an acronym, after all. It stands for Search Engine Optimization. The term might be a bit mysterious and complex-sounding to the at first blush. The truth is, it CAN be complex - there's a lot to...

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About Webcore

Webcore is a web development and marketing company based in Wapakoneta, Ohio. Founded by John Monahan in 2013, Webcore has provided custom solutions for businesses across Ohio.

Webcore makes cool sites using mainly WordPress and WooCommerce as well as some custom "roll your own" PHP applications. If you want to build something fun and awesome together, let's talk!